Yonsei University Alumni
Jehyun Park
2018.03~2023.02 Ph.D., Yonsei University , School of Mechanical Engineering.2023.03~2024.02 Postdoctoral Researcher, Yonsei University, School of Mechanical Engineering.
2024.08~Present Senior Research Engineer, Hyundai Motor Company., Vehicle Control Technology Development Team
E-mail: jehyunpark@hyundai.com Research Interest: Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
Seungwoo Jeong
2019.03~2024.08 Ph.D., Yonsei University , School of Mechanical Engineering.2024.09~Present Senior Research Engineer, Korea Railroad Research Institute.,
Department of Advanced Logistics System Research, Innovative Transportation and Logistics Research Center
E-mail: swjeong@krri.re.kr Research Interest: Numerical Method, Optimization, Parallel Processing, Graphical Model
Hyunwoo Ryu
2022.03~2024.02 M.S., Yonsei University, Department of Artificial Intelligence.2024.08~Present Ph.D. Student, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.
E-mail: hwryu@mit.edu Research Interest: SE(3)-equivariant Generative Modeling for Robotic Manipulation.
Kyubaek Yoon
2018.03~2023.02 Ph.D., Yonsei University, School of Mechanical Engineering.2023.03~2024.02 Postdoctoral Researcher, Yonsei University , School of Mechanical Engineering.
2024.03~Present Research Professor, Ewha Womans University , College of Artificial Intelligence.
E-mail: yoonkb1707@ewha.ac.kr Research Interest: Deep learning, Medical AI, Medical Image Analysis
Heejin Yu
2017.03~2023.08 Ph.D., Yonsei University, School of Mechanical Engineering.2023.09~2024.02 Postdoctoral Researcher, Yonsei University, School of Mechanical Engineering.
2024.03~Present Machine Learning Modeler, Toss bank, Machine learning Platform Team.
E-mail: heejin.yu@tossbank.com Research Interest: Deep learning, Medical AI and Image Analysis
Myounghoe Kim
2017.03~2023.08 Ph.D., Yonsei University , School of Mechanical Engineering.2023.09~2024.02 Postdoctoral Researcher, Yonsei University, School of Mechanical Engineering.
2024.04~Present Senior Research Engineer, Hyundai Motor Company. Institute of Advanced Technology Development (IATD)
E-mail: mhkim@hyundai.com Research Interest: Autonomous Vehicle, Reinforcement Learning, and Deep Learning
Taekhyung Cho
2022.03~2024.02 M.S., Yonsei University, Department of Vehicle Convergence Engineering.2024.02~Present Research Engineer, Hyundai Motor Company. Autonomous Driving Recognition Development Team
E-mail: taekhyung.cho@hyundai.com Research Interest: Deep learning Sensor fusion Parameter Estimation
Byounghyun Choi
2020.03~2022.02 M.S., Yonsei University, Department of Vehicle Convergence Engineering.2022.02~Present Research Engineer, Hyundai Motor Company.
E-mail: cbh4635@yonsei.ac.kr Research Interest: Machine Learning, Intelligent Control Systems
Jeonghoon Lee
2019.03~2021.08 M.S., Yonsei University, School of Mechanical Engineering.2022.08~Present ML Researcher, Samsung Research.
E-mail: ljh_0921@yonsei.ac.kr Research Interest: Hierarchical Reinforcement Learning
Seungchul Ha
2017.03~2021.08 M.S., Yonsei University, School of Mechanical Engineering.2021.08~2022.09 Research Engineer, T-Robotics.
2022.08~Present Research Engineer, Hanwha Robotics. AGV Development Team (S/W Part) R&D Center
E-mail: seungchul0406@hanwha.com Research Interest: Mobile Robot, Estimation Theory, Machine Learning, CNN
Joohwan Seo
2019.03~2021.02 M.S., Yonsei University, School of Mechanical Engineering.2021.08~Present Ph.D. Candidate, UC Berkeley. Computer Mechanics Lab (CML)
E-mail: Joohwan_seo@berkeley.edu Joohwan Seo received his B.S. degree in Mechanical engineering from Yonsei University at Seoul, South Korea in 2019, where he is currently pursuing the M.S. degree. He worked in Machine Learning and Control Systems (MLCS) Laboratory. Now he is pursuing his Ph.D. degree in Department of Mechanical Engineering at University of California, Berkeley. His resedarch interests include nonlinear control, learning-based control, and reinforcement learning, with applications to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and robots.
Seongwon Lee
2021.02 B.S. degree, Yonsei University, School of Mechanical Engineering.2021.08~Present Ph.D. Student, University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering
E-mail: sl148@illinois.edu Seongwon Lee received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Yonsei University at Seoul, South Korea in 2021. He is now pursuing his Ph.D. degree in Department of Mechanical Science and Engineering at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His research interests include machine learning, deep reinforcement learning, autonomous driving, nonlinear control, and mechatronics system, with applications to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) and ground vehicles.
Daewoong Hwang
2019.03~2021.02 M.S., Yonsei University, Department of Vehicle Convergence Engineering.2021.02~Present Research Engineer, Hyundai Motor Company.
E-mail: daewoong0@hyundai.com Research Interest: Control, Deep Learning
Sunje Lee
2017.03~2020.02 M.S., Yonsei University , School of Mechanical Engineering.Research Interest: Control systems.
Jongin Han
2015.03~2023.02 Ph.D., Yonsei University , School of Mechanical Engineering.2023.01~Present Postdoctoral Researcher, KIST.
E-mail: gmiilp1318@kist.re.kr
Michigan State University Alumni
Connor Boss
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University.Ph.D. degree, Summer 2015-Fall 2017 (swiched advisor).
Current coordinate: linkedin Connor J. Boss received his B.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Michigan State University in 2015 and 2021, respectively. He is currently Senior Professional Sta in the Space Exploration Sector at The Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory. His research interests include the development and analysis of control systems, embedded system development, and the control of multirotor unmanned aerial vehicles. His past research experience includes system identification and modeling of human motor control.
Ahmed Ramadan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State Unievrsity.Ph.D. degree, Summer 2014-Summer 2018.
Current coordinate: linkedin
Huan N. Do
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State Unievrsity.Ph.D. degree, Fall 2013-Spring 2017.
Current coordinate: linkedin
Huan Do earned his Bachelor of Science with a Cum Laude Honor in Mechanical Engineering from Korean Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST) in 2012. He was awarded the Vietnam Education Foundation fellowship to pursue a combined PhD program in Mechanical Engineering at Michigan State University. His research involves Bayesian methods, machine learning, large-scale data analysis, feature selection, appearance-based localization and biomedical engineering. He is a student member of ASME.
Joonho Lee
Department of Mechanical Enigneering, Michigan State University.Postdoc, Spring 2015-Spring 2016.
Current coordinate: linkedin
Joonho Lee received the B.S. degree from Dong-a University, Busan, South Korea in 2004, the M.S. degree from Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea in 2006, and the Ph.D. degree from Michigan State University, East Lansing in 2015, all in mechanical engineering. In 2015, he was a Research Associate in the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan State University to design and implement control algorithms for autonomous vehicles in the presence of uncertainties. From 2016, he moved to the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Cleveland State University, where he conducted research on a powered prosthetic leg and cyber-enabled machine as a Research Associate. He was working on control design for autonomous cars at HRL Laboratories, LLC (formerly Hughes Research Laboratories). From 2018 to March, 2022, he worked for General Motors, R&D. At General Motors, R&D he was working on wheel control algorithms such as Traction Controls and Engine Drag using Explicit Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (ENMPC). In addition, he conducted research on deep reinforcement learning based on a multi time-scale structure and stochastic approximation (e.g., the ODE method) for the applications to ground vehicles. Currently, he is a Sr. Engineer for Guidance Navigation Controls & Autonomy at Boeing Research and Technology. His research interests include the areas of Deep Reinforcement Learning based Stochastic Approximation, nonlinear controls, specifically a multi-time-scale approach, estimators designs (Graph Neural Networks, Machine Learning, conventional observers), under-actuated mechanical systems (vehicle chassis and wheels dynamics, helicopters, quadrotrs, etc).
M. Cody Priess
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State Unievrsity.Optimal Experiment Design and System Identification: Human Testing, Ph.D. degree, Spring 2010-Summer 2013.
Design and analysis of an actuated seat for cerebral palsy research, M.S. degree, Fall 2008-Summer 2010.
Current Coordinate: linkedin
Mahdi Jadaliha
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State Unievrsity.Spatio-temporal field prediction under localization uncertainty for mobile sensor networks, Ph.D. degree, Spring 2010-Summer 2013.
Current coordiate: linkedin
Currently, I am the director of Product Development in St. Louis office. We are in charge of developing machine learning algorithms for external customers (mostly around fraud protection and risk assessment scenarios). Before joining Mastercard, I hold the position of Data Scientist at Monsanto. Prior to join Monsanto, I obtained a PhD degree in Mechanical Engineering at Michigan State University and, MSc in Electrical Engineering at Sharif University. I have worked in various research problems encompassing Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Statistical Modeling, Global Optimization, and Sensor network. In last few years, I focused on using BIG DATA along different statistical models to predict phenotype and genotype data over agricultural products.
Andrew White
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State Unievrsity.A systemic approach for linear parameter varying modeling and control of internal combustion engines, Ph.D. degree, Spring 2009-Fall 2012.
Optimal sampling strategies using spatially averaged advection-diffusion parameter estimation, M.S. degree, Spring 2007-Fall 2008.
Current Coordinate: linkedin Andrew White received his Ph.D., M.S. and B.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University in 2012, 2008 and 2006 respectively. Currently, he is a Advanced Powertrain Controls Engineer at FCA Fiat Chrysler Automobiles.
Yunfei Xu
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State Unievrsity.Environmental adaptive sampling for mobile sensor networks using Gaussian processes, Ph.D. degree, Fall 2007-Fall 2011.
Current Coordinte: linkedin Yunfei Xu received his M.S. and B.S. degrees in Automotive Engineering from Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, in 2004 and 2007, respectively. He then received his Ph.D. degree in Mechanical Engineering from Michigan State University, East Lansing, in 2011. After graduation, he worked as a R&D Engineer in Deep Ocean Engineering, Inc. designing remotely operated underwater vehicles. He is now a software researcher in Denso International America, Inc. developing robust intelligence planning algorithms for autonomous driving.
Ahsan Ijaz
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Michigan State University.Truncated Gaussian Process regression for predicting growth of abdminal aortic anuerysm and temporal modeling of sentiments, M.S. degree, Spring 2011-Fall 2013.
Current coordinate: linkedin Ahsan Ijaz earned his Bachelors degree in Mechatronics engineering from National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan and graduated from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering from Michigan State University as a Fulbright fellow. His research interests are in machine learning and its applications for telecommunication networks, biomedical engineering, financial marketing and natural language processing.
Andrey Maslennikov
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State Unievrsity.Robust analysis and control design of the head-neck system, M.S. degree, Spring 2011-Fall 2013.
Current cooridnate:
Azizah Muhammad
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State Unievrsity.Sea lampreys orient toward a source of a synthesized pheromone using odor-conditioned rheotaxis, M.S. degree, Fall 2008-Summer 2010.
William Lee Smits
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State Unievrsity.M.S. degree, Fall 2007-Spring 2009.
Charles Carvalho de Agular
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Michigan State Unievrsity.Exchange student program (Brazil Scientific Mobility Program), summer 2015.