
Jongeun Choi
School of Mechanical EngineeringDepartment of Artificial Intelligence
Department of Mobility Systems Engineering
Yonsei University
Mailing address: Room C319
50 Yonsei Ro, Seodaemun Gu
Seoul 03722, South Korea
Phone: (82) 02-2123-2813
Fax: (82) 02-312-2159
E-mail: jongeunchoi at yonsei dot ac dot kr
Jongeun Choi received his B.S. degree in Mechanical Design and Production Engineering from Yonsei University, Seoul, Republic of Korea, in 1998, and his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley, in 2002 and 2006, respectively. He is currently a Professor at the School of Mechanical Engineering, Yonsei University, where he has also been affiliated with the Department of Artificial Intelligence since 2020. In 2023, he served as a visiting scholar at UC Berkeley. From 2019 to 2023, he served as the Chairperson of the Department of Vehicle Convergence Engineering, Yonsei University, funded by Hyundai Motor Company. He is also affilated with the Department of Mobility Systems Engineering, funded by Hyundai Motor Company from 2023. Before joining Yonsei University, Dr. Choi was a faculty member at Michigan State University, where he worked as an Assistant Professor (2006–2012) and later as an Associate Professor (2012–2016) in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering. Dr. Choi's research interests include machine learning, systems and control, symmetry-aware learning, deep reinforcement learning, and Bayesian methods, with applications in robotics, autonomous driving, human-robot interaction, and AI in healthcare. He has been serving as a Senior Editor for the International Journal of Control, Automation, and Systems since 2023 and previously served as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters in 2018, the Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement, and Control (2014–2019), and the International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing (2017–2018). Dr. Choi has received several awards, including the Best Paper Award at the RSS 2023 Workshop on Symmetries in Robot Learning and the 12th International Conference on Ubiquitous Robots and Ambient Intelligence in 2015. His papers were finalists for the Best Student Paper Award at the 24th American Control Conference in 2005 and the Dynamic Systems and Control Conference in 2011 and 2012. He was also a recipient of the NSF CAREER Award in 2009. Dr. Choi is an ASME Fellow and a member of IEEE.